Trying to reduce body fat levels?
Try switching to raw veggies as your source of munchies during the day. You’ll be amazed at how quickly processed snacks like crackers, breads and sweets can add up. Raw veggies have lots of vitamins and minerals, tonnes of fibre, low amounts of sugar, and are very low in calories when compared to their boxed counterparts. If you want to spice things up, mix together a zesty yogurt dip with your favourite herbs and spices in low fat yogurt!
LOW protein diets don't do the bones good!
Fans of low protein diets attempt to justify their belief by stating excess protein intake causes calcium to leave bone. A new study reveals that low protein intakes have the exact same effect, a loss in total bone calcium deposits. Combine that with exercise and you have a recipe for disaster. So don’t worry, eat your protein and exercise for stronger bigger bones well into your golden years. Protein does the body great, eat up!
Kids driving you up the wall?
It could be a deficiency in essential fatty acids. Many adolescent problems can be corrected with EFA supplements. Giving your kids an EFA supplement daily can help dramatically reduce facial acne and if a deficiency exists, it will help their mental concentration. Attention Deficit Disorder comes in many shapes and sizes. When you consider the harmful drug alternatives, an EFA supplement should be an automatic choice. Ask Christine for more info!
Yogurt and Ulcers
Research out of Sweden compared the effects of Yogurt on ulcers. Swedish citizens eat approximately 13 times more fermented milk products than North Americans and have far fewer ulcers. The key they believe is in the high bacteria content of the fermented milk products. Bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum can neutralize Helicobacter pylori a bacteria implicated in ulcer development. Just one more reason to eat some yogurt!